About me

I am a reiki healer that provides reiki healing in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, UK. I first started my reiki journey in 2016, when I was offered a free taster session as a trial. I’ve struggled with mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, for most of my life and felt that reiki perhaps was something that might help with that. I really enjoyed every experience and continued to have sessions on a monthly basis for some time, as I felt so much calmer and mentally lighter after each treatment.

During lockdown I began to look at life differently, and considered perhaps learning reiki as it had helped me so much with my own personal situation, and I would love to be able to pay that forward to others. I found a local reiki teacher, and took my reiki 1 course in March 2022. I then continued with my learning and completed the reiki 2 course in June 2022, finishing my case studies and gaining my qualification in September 2022. I have since continued with my learning and gained my reiki master qualification in April 2024. My journey has been an incredible experience for me, opening my eyes to the world of holistic healing and I continue to explore this as often as possible, with the aim of making each treatment more powerful and individual for each client.

The name Neko Reiki healing comes from my love of cats, combined with my love of reiki. Cats have been in my life since I was born, and I have a strong affinity to felines.

I currently provide reiki healing in Berkeley at my home, in an outhouse in my garden. This allows for me to work undisturbed, and for the client to have a peaceful and calming experience. Entry is to the rear of the property via an alleyway, and parking is available in either New street or Oldminster road.

Neko Reiki Healing Berkeley
It is also possible to do Reiki healing on animals, however this is not a service I offer
Above are the 5 principles of Reiki
Reiki treatments are based on 7 chakras

What to expect from reiki

Reiki is a hands on healing, with the client lying fully clothed on a massage couch for the entire treatment. Reiki uses light, non invasive touch with the practitioners hands placed on a series of locations on the head and body. It generally is very relaxing as soft music will be playing, either incense or a candle burning, and a blanket covering the client.

Comfortable loose clothing is recommended. Recipients may feel heat from the practitioners hands, or sometimes the hands are cool. Some people may fall asleep, some may experience a connection with spirit but generally people will feel relaxed and a release of stress following the treatment. The treatment generally lasts around an hour.